Welcome to Circius Pharma!

Circius Pharma is an international and growth oriented company in the field of pharmaceuticals, dietary supplements and medical devices. From our base in Sweden we develop strong brands and patient-centered products for the global market.

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Our product family


Naturlig fugtgivende creme til slimhinderne i vagina og intimområdet

Medicinsk-teknisk udstyr, kl. 2B
Hvad er Membrasin Vaginal Vitality Creme?
Membrasin Vaginal Vitality Creme er velegnet til behandling af tørhed i slimhinderne i vagina og i de ydre, kvindelige kønsorganer. Havtornbær-olien i cremen plejer og beskytter slimhinderne og den følsomme hud i intimområdet, og hyaluronsyren tilfører fugt. Tørhed kan føles som irritation og øget følsomhed samt smerter, der f.eks. kan opstå ved træning. Cremens pH-værdi svarer til pH-værdien i slimhinderne i en sund vagina. Membrasin Vaginal Vitality Creme indeholder hverken hormoner eller parfume. Cremens virkning er klinisk bevist i en kontrolleret, randomiseret undersøgelse.
Membrasin Vaginal Vitality cremen føres ind i vagina med den medfølgende applikator 1 gang i døgnet. Ved behov kan cremen smøres på intimområdets slimhinder med rene hænder 1 gang i døgnet samt efter vask af underlivet. Pakningen indeholder en applikator. Se indlægssedlen for udførlig brugsanvisning.
Anvend ikke cremen, hvis du er overfølsom over for nogle af produktets ingredienser. Anvend ikke applikatoren under graviditet. Læs i øvrigt indlægssedlen grundigt før brug.
Havtornbærolie (3%), mælkesyre (1%), natrium hyaluronat (0,1%), vand, cetearylalkohol, diacprylylether, natriumlaktat, polysorbat 60, cetylpalmitat, sorbitanstearat, solsikkeolie, rosmarinekstrakt, natriumdehydroacetat, natriumbenzoat, phenoxyethanol.

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Food supplement

HAVTORNBÆR – naturlig fugt til slimhinder og hud

A-vitamin bidrager til vedligeholdelse af normale slimhinder.

Hvad er Membrasin Vitality Pearls?
Membrasin er et standardiseret ekstrakt af havtornbær udviklet til at afhjælpe tørre og sarte slimhinder overalt i kroppen. Vores slimhinder fungerer som et filter, eftersom alle stoffer der indtages af eller forlader kroppen, er tvunget til at passere disse. Næring og ilt slippes igennem, mens bakterier og forureninger holdes ude. Kroppens slimhinder spiller altså en meget vigtig rolle for vores immunforsvar og velvære.
Membrasin indeholder et standardiseret ekstrakt, SBA 24, fra havtornbær, som består af en kombination af mono- og flerumættede vegetabilske fedtsyrer: omega 3, 6, 7 og 9, samt vitamin A og vitamin E. Membrasin bidrager med sit indhold af vitamin A og E til at vedligeholde normale slimhinder og hud samt beskytte cellerne mod oxidativt stress. Vegetabilske kapsler.
Membrasin kan anvendes ved tørre slimhinder overalt i kroppen, bl.a. mundtørhed, tør næse, tørre øjne, tørhed i underlivet. Tørre slimhinder kan svie, klø eller give en brændende fornemmelse, og er desuden meget modtagelige for udefrakommende bakterier.
Anbefalet daglig dosis
Den første uge 2 kapsler dagligt, 2 gange dagligt. Derefter 2-4 kapsler dagligt. Op til max. 4 kapsler dagligt. Kapslerne indtages i forbindelse med måltider. Den anbefalede daglige dosis bør ikke overskrides. Kosttilskud bør ikke træde i stedet for en varieret kost. Opbevares ved stuetemperatur. Undgå direkte sollys. Opbevares uden for små børns rækkevidde. Indeholder beta-caroten og bør derfor ikke indtages af rygere. Indeholder ikke kunstige farver. Velegnet til veganere og vegetarer.


Det spanske naturprodukt Resium (spansk navn: Resolutivo Regium) er et typisk eksempel på et gammelt naturmiddel, der er blevet videreudviklet i laboratoriet til et moderne, naturligt middel. Resium finder stor anvendelse i Danmark. Fremstillingen af Resium blev påbegyndt i Spanien i 1927 af den nuværende producents bedstefar. Resium vinder større og større udbredelse, efterhånden som præparatet sælges udover Spaniens grænser. Resium er et vandigt udtræk af 10 vilde urter. Størstedelen af planterne har det ikke været muligt at kultivere. Et af de forhold, der stiller størst krav til producenten, er indsamlingen og behandlingen af planterne. Laboratoriet i Montgat har for to af planternes vedkommende indsamlere på nogle spanske lokaliter, hvor urterne findes med deres optimale indhold. Der er tale om planter, som er meget almindelige andre steder, men kun opnår den krævede udvikling netop her. For at Resium skal opnå en tilfredsstillende kvalitet, stilles der meget store krav til planternes behandling og opbevaring. Også kravene til den teknik, hvormed planterne ekstraheres, er store. Og sidst men ikke mindst er der en gennemgribende kontrol i alle led af fremstillingen af Resium.
Anbefalet daglig dosis:
25-75 ml 3 gange dagligt, en halv time før et måltid. Dagsdosis bør ikke overskrides.
75 ml indeholder vandigt udtræk af
  • 5,0 g Ager-Padderokke (Equisetum arvensis L.)
  • 5,0 g Figenkaktus (Opuntia ficus indica L.)
  • 5,0 g Hjertensfryd (Melissa officinalis L.)
  • 5,0 g Rosmarin (Rosmarinus officinalis)
  • 3,7 g Fennikel (Foeniculum vulgaris L.)
  • 3,0 g Alm. Kvikgræs (Agropyrum repens L.)
  • 2,5 g Stjerneanis (Illicium verum L.)
  • 2,5 g Knopgræs (Cynodon dactylon L.)
  • 2,5 g Alm. Mælkebøtte (Taraxacum officinalis L.)
  • 1,2 g Mark Hindeknæ (Spergularia rubra L.)
Holdbarhed efter åbning:
1 måned i køleskab. Tåler ikke frost. Bør opbevares ved stuetemperatur. Kosttilskud bør ikke træde i stedet for varieret kost. Opbevares uden for små børns rækkevidde. Bør kun efter aftale med læge eller sundhedsplejerske anvendes af gravide eller børn under 1 år.


TraneMax er et koncentreret tranebærekstrakt.

Voksne: 1 kapsel morgen og aften. Ved ekstra behov 2 kapsler 3 gange dagligt. Den anbefalede dosering bør ikke overskrides. 2 kapsler indeholder 1000 mg tranebærekstrakt, svarende til 25 g (25.000 mg) friske tranebær. 6 kapsler indholder 3000 mg tranebærekstrakt, svarende til 75 g (75.000 mg) friske tranebær.
Tranebærkoncentrat (Vaccinum macrocarpon Ait.), gelatine (kapsel), antiklumpningsmidler (siliciumdioxid, magnesiumsalte af fedtsyrer). Bør opbevares ved stuetemperatur. Kosttilskud bør ikke træde i stedet for varieret kost. Opbevares uden for små børns rækkevidde. Bør kun efter aftale med læge eller sundhedsplejerske anvendes af gravide eller børn under 1 år.

A few words from our founder

With our roots on the Swedish west coast, we have always looked to the horizon.

“Our goal is to create a globally successful company focusing on the health of the patient. We will get there through long-term collaborations, innovative products and a large portion of entrepreneurship and commitment!"

Jan G. Smith

Founder, Circius Pharma

About us

Circius Pharma

Circius Pharma was founded in 2021 following the decision from ABIGO Medical to divest its pharma division. From the very beginning, the company offers a wide range of patient-centered products and strong brands. With the establishment of the new company Jan G Smith, co-founder of ABIGO Medical and founder of Circius Pharma, takes the next step in developing the business. In Scandinavia – and the rest of the world. Our growth journey has only just begun!

Company culture

Our core values

We explore new ideas

By taking advantage of insights about human health. By being curious about our surroundings. By learning from academia and customers. This is how we identify new, creative ideas and innovative products that make a real difference in people’s lives.

We collaborate

We believe in the power of collaboration. With customers. With the academia. And, not the least, between colleagues. Our strong willingness to cooperate combined with short decision paths and a great deal of entrepreneurial spirit makes us an attractive business partner and an exciting workplace.

Sustainability is key

We aim to integrate sustainability into every aspect of our business. For us, that means being a sustainable and attractive employer, a long-term business partner and a responsible producer.

Work with us

Do you want to be part of our global network of distributors?

Circius Pharma is continously looking for long term business partners and distributors for both in- and outlicensing. Do you want to know more? Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Contact us

Circius Pharma ApS

Strandvejen 100
DK- 2900 Hellerup

+45 39 77 50 73



    Circius Pharma AB Privacy Policy

    1. Information regarding our processing of personal data

    Your privacy is a matter of great concern to us and we want you to feel secure whenever you provide us with your personal data. It is important to us that we are transparent with regard to how your data is processed and that the information we provide you with gives you a good understanding of how we will be processing your personal data.

    2. Who is responsible for your personal data?

    Circius Pharma AB Organisation number; 42447641, Strandvejen 100 2900 Hellerup, is the controller (as defined in the General Data Protection Regulation) of the personal data we collect and process.

    In order to ensure compliance with applicable data protection legislation, Circius Pharma AB has appointed a Data Protection Officer to deal with issues arising from our processing of personal data.

    The easiest way for you to contact us is to send an email to GDPR@circiuspharma.com or telephone us on 004539775073.

    3. For what purposes do we process your personal data?

    We only process your personal data so that we can offer our products and services. This may be in conjunction with your use of our services on the Circius Pharma AB website or as part of our relationship with you as a customer. Examples of situations in which we collect personal data include:

    • when you use one of our services on our website;
    • when you subscribe to our newsletter;
    • when you contact us via the form provided;
    • when developing our products and services; or
    • when dealing with complaints.

    4. What personal data do we process?

    The personal data we process is in part data that you provide us with when contacting us or using our website.

    On our website, we use cookies to obtain information about:

    • language settings;
    • which pages you visit;
    • browser settings; and
    • your IP address.

    In conjunction with dialogue regarding our products and services, it may be relevant for us to collect data concerning you such as:

    • your name;
    • address;
    • email address;
    • telephone number; and
    • orders and customer service cases.

    5. For how long do we save your personal data?

    We will only save your personal data for as long as necessary to meet our agreed undertakings to you and as long as the data is necessary for the purposes for which it was originally collected.

    We comply with applicable legislation by implementing ongoing procedures to ensure that we do not store unnecessary data concerning you. Storage times may vary depending on the applicable legislation on the processing of personal data.

    If you receive marketing materials from us and wish such communications to cease, please contact us by email to GDPR@circiuspharma.com or telephone on 004539775073 and we will ensure that you are removed from our registers.

    6. How do we protect your personal data?

    We work with systematic data protection to ensure that your personal data is secure with us and protected from unauthorised access, corruption, dissemination or any other illegal processing.

    7. Who do we share your personal data with?

    We only share your personal data where doing so is necessary in order to provide our products and services or when we have a legal obligation to do so. We sometimes employ the services of subcontractors in order to deliver our products and services. In order to ensure that your data is safe, we enter into agreements with our subcontractors requiring them to process your data in compliance with applicable legislation.

    In the event that you have provided sensitive personal data, such as your medical history, current health status or similar data, the principal rule is that your personal data is subject to a duty of confidentiality.

    8. Your rights

    We are determined to remain transparent about how we use your personal data. If you would like insight into how we process your personal data, you have the right to request a registry extract detailing the personal data we hold concerning you. Should you submit such a request, we may ask for supplementary data to ensure that we are disclosing the data to the right person. You always have the right to request rectification of your personal data. You also have the right to request restrictions on the processing of your personal data or its erasure, to the extent that this is permitted pursuant to applicable legislation and in accordance with agreements entered into with you.

    If you believe that we have incorrectly processed your personal data, you are always welcome to contact us so that we can discuss how we can rectify any errors. You also have the right to complain directly to the responsible supervisory authority. You can find the authority for your EU Member State at: http://ec.europa.eu/justice/data-protection/bodies/authorities/index_en.htm.

    You are always welcome to contact us with any questions about GDPR and data protection in general. The easiest way to reach us is to contact our Data Protection Officer by email at GDPR@circiuspharma.com or telephone on 004539775073.

    Circius Pharma AB
    Company reg. no.: 42447641
    Södra Långebergsgatan 34-36, 436 32 Askim